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Friday, September 28, 2018

Kitchen Tour with Executive Chef on the Holland America Eurodam September 2018

 One of the most important parts to anyone considering a cruise, In My Experience (IME) is "The Food."

"How's the Food?" is one of the first questions folks ask. I've been on Carnival and Royal Caribbean ships in the past. They both offer a 'chef's tour' of the kitchen and a special meal for a fairly hefty up-charge.
So it was refreshing to find that the kitchen tours, while quite extensive, are FREE on Holland America.  We received a full tour with talks from multiple chefs, including the Executive Chef at right. After the tour, we saw one of the 'premium' restaurants and were served hor' douvres from each one.
Lots of photos - videos below!

<- one of many serving lines 

-> Very interesting - this is the full "menu board" for the 7 day cruise. Each dish must look EXACTLY like the photos!

Dish cleaning lines

BIG kitchen, dish washers and more

Crew were so helpful and friendly - another view of the menu board



Lots of food tasting and wine tasting from the premium restaurant

I snitched one as he was talking to someone else. In retribution he told me it was a frog egg!
It. Was. Not. LOL

Even the platings were gorgeous and appropriate to the cuisine served in that place.

[playlist type="video" ids="911,910"]
Video interview with the executive Chef!

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